Conference venue

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef - The conference center of the German Physical Society, near Bonn on the Rhine river. The conference center will offer accommodation and meals for all participants.



The workshop will be generously funded by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation. The foundation will cover the local expenses (accommodation and full board in the conference center) for all participants. This necessarily means that the total number of participants is limited (to approximately 80). Therefore everybody who is interested in participating in the workshop is asked to send an application to the organizers. Please understand that the organizers will have to select the participants if a maximum number of applications is exceeded.


The deadline for applications is August 31, 2016. The application should include, name, e-mail and affiliation. Everybody is encouraged to bring a poster. Those who want to present posters should notify this in the application and also include a title and an abstract. In addition there will be a limited number of contributed oral presentations. Please ask the organizers if you are interested in giving a talk.



Low-dimensional quantum systems as we understand them are spatially one- or two-dimensional many-body systems. In nature they are realized in strongly anisotropic solids or at their surfaces. In recent years interesting low-dimensional quantum systems can also be artificially created using ultra-cold atoms in traps. Many properties of solids crucially depend on their effective dimensionality. Examples for non-interacting systems are the nature of van-Howe singularities at band edges or the sheer possibility of Bose condensation (impossible in 1d, at T = 0 in 2d, at T > 0 in 3d). For interacting systems the implications of the effective dimensionality are even more severe. In one- and two-dimensional systems we have phases and elementary excitations which do not exist in higher dimensions. This has serious consequences e.g. for the transport properties or for the relaxation dynamics of such systems.


In this workshop we aim to bring together experimentalists and theorists interested in low-dimensional quantum systems realized in solids and systems of ultra-cold atoms. For their mutual benefit we hope for an intensive exchange between theory and experiment. Subjects to be discussed will include
  • Heat and spin transport in low-dimensional quantum magnets
  • Current methodological developments in theory and experiment
  • Calculation and measurement of correlation functions in equilibrium systems
  • Relaxation dynamics of local observables in integrable many-body systems
  • Dimensional cross-over
  • Low-dimensional systems as edge systems
  • Applications of low-dimensional quantum systems


Invited speakers

  • Prof. Jean-Sebastien Caux, University of Amsterdam
  • Dr. Mechthild Enderle, ILL Grenoble
  • Prof. Holger Fehske, Universität Greifswald
  • Dr. Jochen Geck, IFW Dresden
  • Dr. Vladislav Kataev, IFW Dresden
  • Prof. Bernhard Keimer, MPI-FKF Stuttgart
  • Prof. Michael Köhl, Universität Bonn
  • Prof. Corinna Kollath, Universität Bonn
  • Prof. Bella Lake, HZB Berlin
  • Dr. Thomas Lorenz, Universität zu Köln
  • Prof. Masaki Oshikawa, ISSP, University of Tokyo
  • Prof. Sander Otte, Delft University
  • Prof. Peter Prelovsek, Ljubljana University
  • Prof. Tomaz Prosen, Ljubljana University
  • Dr. Imke Schneider, TU Kaiserslautern
  • Prof. Jesko Sirker, University of Manitoba
  • Prof. Dirk Schuricht, Utrecht University
  • Dr. Anja Wolter-Giraud, IFW Dresden
  • Prof. Andrey Zheludev, ETH Zürich
  • Prof. Xenophon Zotos, University of Heraklion



Bernd Büchner, Christian Hess
IFW Dresden


Frank Göhmann, Andreas Klümper
Fachbereich C - Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal



Fachbereich C der Universität Wuppertal -